Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Never Again Hear Your Kids Say During The Summer, "I'm Bored!"

!±8± Never Again Hear Your Kids Say During The Summer, "I'm Bored!"

Every parent (to include me) has heard their kids say - with the incredible freedom of summer all around - "I'm bored!" As a life and executive coach, I find that every summer I am asked by my clients who are parents to tell them what they should do to keep their kids active, engaged and not bored during the greatest three months of the year (for kids).

You know how it works. Your children are excited about the upcoming summer as the school year comes to a close. Then, for the first week or so they are all fired up and balls of energy. Then, they run out of energy and things to do. And you hear, "I'm bored," and "What should I do?" Your summer has just turned ugly.

First of all, let me say that it is easy for kids to get bored during the summer because they have so much freedom. But childhood freedom often becomes the strongest of all chains; a slave master who uses mind-numbing boredom as punishment. My belief and study has shown that kids do not need unfettered freedom. Kids need structure in order to grow and feel fulfilled.

Here's my simple 3-step process for eliminating your child's boredom during the summer months.

Step 1
You should sit down with your kids before the school-is-out-for-the-summer season hits and write a list of their GOALS for the summer. Setting goals is the most important step you can take to keep your child from getting bored during the summer. Ask your kid these questions (and have them write down the answers):
- What new sports do you want to learn?
- What new challenges do you want to tackle?
- What new books do you want to read?
- What new sights do you want to see?
- What new skills do you want to learn?
- What area(s) do you want to improve in?

Step 2
Next - using the goals as your guide, you and your kid(s) should write out a week-by-week schedule of summer activities for them. (I actually recommend you have the entire summer scheduled out day-by-day, but let me allow you to ease into this.)

Step 3
Then, follow the schedule.

My kids have not uttered the phrase, "I'm bored," since I began this approach to their summers. They are too busy, engaged and happy to be bored! And yours will be as well. And I know that your kids and mine will look back someday (as we parents do) and say how great this or that summer was because of what they did.

To help you get rolling, I am providing you (below) a list of 301 things that your kid can do during the summer. Many of these are low cost or no cost. This list makes sure that no kid need ever be bored.

The following list of 301 activities will help your kid, your family, and you take full advantage of the warm weather season and spark the creativity that makes summer the best time of the year! Your kid can look over the list and choose any activities they are interested in and get started. Some of my suggested activities require parental permission, but most are suitable for your kids to complete on their own.


1 Act in a play
2 Adopt a pet
3 Attend a concert
4 Bake cookies
5 Barbecue shrimp
6 Become a model
7 Become a photographer
8 Become an expert cupcake, cookie or brownie baker. Give them a funky name and sell them. That's how Wally 'Famous Amos' got started
9 Become an expert on something. Choose a topic you interested in and study it a little everyday. By the end of the summer, you'll be one of the leading experts
10 Blow up balloons and give them to your friends and family
11 Build a sandcastle
12 Build a tree house
13 Build an electric train model
14 Build your own plane from a kit
15 Buy a DVD projector and host a movie that you project on the side of your house at night
16 Call a president of a large company and interview him/her about what they do
17 Check out the stars with a telescope
18 Clean up a nature trail
19 Clean your room!
20 Climb a tree
21 Collect sea shells from the seashore
22 Cook something you've never cooked before
23 Cook your breakfast on an outdoor fire
24 Create a family photo album of summer activities
25 Create a terrarium
26 Create a treasure hunt
27 Create a web site
28 Create your own holiday - a Festivus-for-the-Rest-of-Us
29 Create your own science club with friends
30 Design a new clothing line
31 Determine 10 goals you have for your life.
32 Dig for fossils
33 Do 25 jumping jacks each day
34 Donate some of the toys and clothes you no longer use
35 Draw a self-portrait
36 E-mail a friend you haven't spoken to in awhile.
37 Email your question about life success and life's challenges to Kids@CoachMobley.com . He'll answer your question
38 Enter a chili cooking contest (or host your own)
39 Find a new favorite author or book
40 Find a pen-pal
41 Find the cheapest flight you can to a foreign country and go on a vacation
42 Fly a kite
43 Get a job as a lifeguard at the local pool
44 Get a job or an internship.
45 Get a ride on a paddle wheeler
46 Get a summer job with a friend
47 Get a temporary tattoo
48 Get in better shape! Exercise everyday
49 Get in touch with a cousin you've never met
50 Give your dog a bath.
51 Go backpacking
52 Go beachcombing for driftwood, shells and stones
53 Go birdwatching
54 Go boating
55 Go bowling
56 Go camping in a national park
57 Go camping in your backyard
58 Go camping on the beach
59 Go canoeing
60 Go deep sea diving
61 Go explore caves
62 Go fishing
63 Go for a hike
64 Go go-karting
65 Go hunting
66 Go on a boat ride
67 Go on a glass-bottom boat ride
68 Go on a hayride
69 Go on a long bike ride
70 Go on a rollercoaster ride
71 Go on a walk and take pictures of trees, flowers, dogs, etc.
72 Go out for lunch with one of your parents
73 Go outside and find 20 different kinds of flowers
74 Go paddle boating
75 Go parachuting
76 Go prospect for gold
77 Go river rafting
78 Go sailing
79 Go swimming
80 Go to a baseball game
81 Go to a camp
82 Go to a museum
83 Go to a national park
84 Go to a new restaurant
85 Go to a party
86 Go to a pre-season practice being held by your local pro team
87 Go to a science camp
88 Go to a Shakespeare festival
89 Go to a waterslide park
90 Go to an amusement park
91 Go to an antiques show
92 Go to an opera
93 Go to the fair
94 Go to the movies with friends
95 Go to the movies with your siblings.
96 Go to the playground and swing or play on the monkey bars
97 Go to the top of the tallest building in the nearest big city
98 Go to work with your parents and observe
99 Go vegetarian for a week
100 Go whale watching
101 Go window-shopping at the most expensive stores with a friend
102 Go without email for a day
103 Go without TV for a day
104 Hang a bird feeder
105 Have a bonfire and roast marshmallows
106 Have a bubblegum blowing contest
107 Have a 'classic movie' night with friends
108 Have a family game night
109 Have a paper airplane contest
110 Have a picnic
111 Have a sleepover with your best friends
112 Help an elderly person with house or yard work
113 Hike to a waterfall
114 Host a 24 hour soccer game for charity or just for fun
115 Host a 5k race to benefit charity
116 Host a dance and you be the DJ
117 Host a real clambake
118 Host a scavenger hunt in the neighborhood or with friends at a park
119 Host a water balloon fight
120 Host a yard sale
121 Increase your vocabulary. Learn 5 new words each day from the dictionary
122 Invent a new dance
123 Invent your own board game
124 Invite friends over and have a tea sandwich party
125 Keep a journal of what you do during the Summer
126 Learn a foreign language
127 Learn a martial art
128 Learn a new card game and play it a lot
129 Learn about fireworks
130 Learn CPR
131 Learn how to be a comedian
132 Learn how to make balloon animals
133 Learn how to make crafts
134 Learn how to make jewelry
135 Learn how to make sushi
136 Learn how to play chess
137 Learn how to play the conga drums
138 Learn how to play the guitar
139 Learn how to rappel down mountains
140 Learn how to refinish antique furniture
141 Learn how to sail
142 Learn how to sew
143 Learn how to sew or knit
144 Learn how to snorkel
145 Learn how to swim
146 Learn how to throw a boomerang
147 Learn or teach a new sport with someone
148 Learn origami
149 Learn some new outdoor games
150 Learn to how to paint
151 Learn to windsurf
152 Listen to a motivational audio program
153 Look for sand dollars and shells at a beach
154 Make a bird feeder
155 Make a collage from magazine photos and words
156 Make a delicious ice cream float
157 Make a fire plan for your home
158 Make a new kind of sandwich
159 Make a scrapbook of everything you do this summer
160 Make a scrapbook of your baby pictures.
161 Make a smoothie so tasty it makes your toes curl!
162 Make a time capsule and bury it in your backyard
163 Make an obstacle course in your back yard
164 Make dinner for your family
165 Make homemade fruit juice.
166 Make homemade ice cream
167 Make popsicles in your freezer.
168 Make purses and sell them
169 Make something from recyclables
170 Make the world's best root beer float.
171 Open a savings account at your bank
172 Organize a bike safety clinic
173 Organize a scavenger hunt
174 Paint your family
175 Plan a trip to Disney World
176 Plan the vacation you want to take next summer.
177 Plant flowers in your yard.
178 Play a computer game
179 Play backgammon
180 Play badminton
181 Play croquet
182 Play crossword puzzles
183 Play in a summer sports league
184 Play monopoly
185 Play pool
186 Play pool volleyball
187 Play putt-putt golf
188 Play soccer
189 Play Twister
190 Play volleyball
191 Play Wii
192 Play with the family pet
193 Play with your siblings
194 Produce and direct your own movie
195 Put up a basketball hoop in your driveway
196 Read 25 (or 50 or more) books this Summer
197 Read a book about a famous super-achiever
198 Read a book based on a movie you have seen
199 Read a story to someone
200 Read the newspaper (your favorite parts) everyday
201 Recycle bottles and donate the money to a local charity
202 Re-decorate your room
203 Rent a bicycle-built-for-two and go for a ride with a friend or family member
204 Rent a houseboat
205 Research your family tree
206 Ride a mechanical bull
207 Ride a rollercoaster
208 Ride every ride at the carnival
209 Ride on a train
210 Roast marshmallows
211 Set up a lemonade stand
212 Share your favorite DVD with a friend
213 Shoot 100 free throws
214 Show off your green thumb! Buy some flower seeds and plant them in your own garden
215 Sign up at your local library for their summer great books reading program
216 Spend time with your grandparents
217 Start a babysitting business
218 Start a band
219 Start a blog
220 Start a business
221 Start a collection of something you find interesting
222 Start a diary and write in it everyday.
223 Start a dog pooper-scooper business
224 Start a dog-walking business
225 Start a grocery shopping business
226 Start a herb garden
227 Start a lawn care business
228 Start a magazine for kids your age
229 Start a snow-removal business. (Send out flyers now so everyone remembers when the winter season comes)
230 Start a tutoring business
231 Start a yard cleaning business
232 Start an errand running business
233 Start an internet based business
234 Start an investing club with your friends. Buy stock. Sell stock. Make money!
235 Start practicing to become an Olympic Athlete
236 Start saving for a trip to Europe (or Canada, Hawaii, Alaska, Japan,...) next Summer
237 Start your own soccer camp
238 Stay at a Dude Ranch
239 Stay in a hostel
240 Stay up and watch the shows that air from midnight to 7am
241 Study a school subject during the Summer
242 Subscribe to a new magazine
243 Swim with dolphins
244 Swim with stingrays
245 Take a boat ride
246 Take a course on mountaineering
247 Take a dance class
248 Take a family vacations
249 Take a first aid class
250 Take a helicopter ride
251 Take a jeep tour in the wilds of Arizona or New Mexico
252 Take a math class
253 Take a ride on a dinner train
254 Take a singing class
255 Take a trip in an RV
256 Take a vacation on a cruise ship
257 Take a walk and listen to the sounds of nature
258 Take a yoga class
259 Take an orienteering class
260 Take flying lessons
261 Take Pictures of interesting buildings, homes, birds, trees, waterways, cars, roads...
262 Take up golfing
263 Take up trampoline jumping
264 Take your dog for a walk.
265 Take your dog to dog-obedience school
266 Tale a class on animation
267 Teach your grandparents to use email
268 Throw a cultural heritage party in your neighborhood
269 Tie-Dye a t-shirt
270 Track the moon phases
271 Train for running your first marathon
272 Try to break a Guinness Book of World Records record
273 Use a compass or GPS to map your neighborhood
274 Visit a farm
275 Visit a National Park
276 Visit a tourist spot near your city
277 Visit every professional baseball or football stadium in the country
278 Visit Mt. Rushmore
279 Visit the aquarium
280 Visit the desert
281 Visit the Grand Canyon
282 Visit the Great Wall of China
283 Visit the Rocky Mountains
284 Visit the zoo
285 Visit Washington, DC
286 Visit the U.S. service academies (West Point, Annapolis, Air Force Academy, Coast Guard Academy...)
287 Volunteer at a local nursing home
288 Watch a cricket match
289 Watch a favorite TV show with your friends
290 Write a book
291 Write a comedy TV show
292 Write a fairy tale
293 Write a letter to your best friend
294 Write a letter to your grandparents telling them how much you love them
295 Write a list of the 10 most important questions you want to ask you grandparents. Then ask them the questions
296 Write a list of the 10 most important questions you want to ask you parents. Then ask them the questions
297 Write a play and get your friends to act it out
298 Write a poem
299 Write a song
300 Write a speech on something you find interesting
301 Write letters on airplane air-sickness bags and mail them to your friends

Summer Fun
My Goals Are...

1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________
4. ______________________________________
5. ______________________________________
6. ______________________________________
7. ______________________________________
8. ______________________________________
9. ______________________________________
10. _____________________________________

©2009 Darryl L. Mobley. All rights reserved. Want To Use This Article In Your E-Zine, Magazine Or Web Site? You can, as long as you include the entire article and the complete short blurb above with it.

Never Again Hear Your Kids Say During The Summer, "I'm Bored!"

Ipod Car Cable Adapter Better Than Promotional Kitchenaid Hard Anodized Buyers Traditional Irish Christmas

Saturday, November 26, 2011

What is Network Marketing?

!±8± What is Network Marketing?

Network Marketing is another form of direct marketing. It is primarily more concerned with the organization of a sales network than with the sale itself.

The networker mostly starts to build up its own business before helping then other business partners to build their own, similar to a franchisor.

In difference to franchising where only one company opens new branches, in Network Marketing each independent business owner can open new network businesses, but with low financial investigations and without risk.

A networker undertakes the task to organize the network, to get paid for the sales qualified for bonus within that branch network.

Another feature of Network Marketing is to build up an transnational business by sponsoring international partners. Especially in Europe, Network Marketing represents one of the best examples how to make use of a single European market place.

A report from Prof. Dr. Michael Zacharias, University Worms, in 1996 has shown, that the total revenue in Germany made in Network Marketing is still very low (approx. 300 million EUR p.a.), but it will be fast-paced.

In the Ukraine the market has just started (Nov. 2003), and the market in Russia will start 2004 too. So in these countries we will see incredible and surpassing business growth in the next years. If you are from the Ukraine or Russia, or you know people from there, then you can directly benefit from it. You can offer them an opportunity to build their own business.

This was just an example, there are more exciting success stories from other countries as well, e.g. Sweden, Korea etc., and the opportunity is identical in all supported countries.

In Europe the Network Marketing business is still in its infancy. Only 0.7% of trading are currently made with Network Marketing.

So this distribution channel has a huge potential for growth in future all over the world.

The Three Pillars of Success in Network Marketing are:

1) Residual Income

2) Leverage (of Time and Money)

3) Duplication

Network Marketing, 'MLM', and Multi Level Marketing are all terms that refer to the same type of business model. While many close-minded people outside the industry (and others who've tried it and failed), have biased or negative wrong impressions, and despite the fact that it is used and abused by many crooks and con-artists, this business model has exceptional performance potential.

There are bad apples in every bunch, and this industry has more than it's share. But it can produce outstanding results if you know how to find the right company. And to maximize your potential, there are a few simple concepts whose understanding is critical to your success.

Unlike franchises or conventional businesses, Network Marketing, MLM, and Multilevel Marketing are the only business models that take advantage of all three of the important, yet misunderstood principles of:

Passive Residual Income - Leverage - and Geometric Growth.

And the combination of all three of these elements is what gives the Network Marketing business model it's synergy and exceptional performance potential. In fact one outstanding company I'm aware of has actually built designed synergy into their business model.

Whether it's a franchise or conventional business, both require major investments of time and money, and special skills if you hope to be really successful. Even the relatively small percentage who achieve true success usually take years just to break even.

On the other hand, with the advent and popularity of the Internet and the rampant quest to "Get Rich Quick for Doing Nothing", many people have gotten all excited about affiliate, associate, referral, or co-op programs as they are sometimes called. But very few of the thousands of these being promoted have any real chance of making any significant money for the vast majority of people who get involved.

A perfect example is an email that was recently received from one of these programs who claim to be 'the best'. They bragged that they were paying "over 0,000 in commissions each month!" and have "now grown to over 650,000 affiliates!"

Those are interesting statistics some might get excited about. Let's see... if they're true... They're paying an 'average' of $.61 per affiliate... That's sixty one cents ! Wow! How would you like to retire on that?!

They claim later in their letter that some are making ,000 a month. If that's true, then to come up with an 'average' of sixty one cents each, the vast majority have to be making absolutely nothing.

There is a much better way to achieve your dreams!

But you have to:

1) Take the time to understand these three critical principles -



2) LEARN TO ASK THREE SIMPLE QUESTIONS! - so you can teach what you know to others.

If you're even moderately successful in networking, you undoubtedly understand and believe in the three principles above. If you haven't yet had the success you desire, you may not completely understand these principles, or how to get them across to others. Highly successful networkers have learned how to ask the right questions, then help others understand and take advantage of these important and powerful concepts.

Unfortunately these principles are not well understood by the majority of the population. And that's just one reason why so many fail at network marketing. There are lots of other reasons, and it would take a book to cover them all. But this is one of the more common ones. Because if you don't understand or believe in these principles, it's impossible to help others fully comprehend and appreciate them.

Let's face it, our educational system trains (or brainwashes) us to be conformists, to do what others tell us to do, and to prepare for a JOB, not an entrepreneurial business opportunity. So those of us who crave our independence and freedom, head in that direction in spite of our education, rarely because of it.

And even though many people claim they'd like to be their own boss or own their own business, only a small percentage of the population possess the necessary desire for success to risk stepping out of their 'comfort zones' to pursue their dreams.

Most people are afraid of failure, and for them it may be better and easier to live life in a rut. Others are satisfied or even happy with their jobs, incomes, or lifestyles, and that's great for them. But if you're one of millions who yearn for more freedom and control in your life, you must understand the following three principles to achieve True Success in Network Marketing.


Residual income is recurring income that continues to come to you long after the work you've done to produce it has ended. There are lots of ways to produce residual income. But many people don't understand it. Others have never thought about or been exposed to it. And unfortunately, many ways of producing it are out of reach for 'average' people.

Successful authors, actors, musicians, and insurance agents are some of the more familiar avocations that produce residual income. Probably the simplest and best example of passive residual income is interest earned on money in the bank or other investments. It gets paid or credited to you without you having to invest any more time to produce it.

Using the "virtual millionaire" concept I will explain below, if you had a million dollars in the bank earning 6% interest, that would produce about ,000 of annual income (before taxes). So if you have any source of passive residual income producing ,000 or more a year, you are a "virtual millionaire".

And with the right business, that can be much easier to accomplish than trying to overcome all the roadblocks to accumulating a million dollars in the bank. Instead of Uncle Sam fighting you all the way (taxing all your income), he actually becomes an active partner by giving you all kinds of tax breaks and incentives to succeed.

There are only two sources of money:



The simple goal of Retirement & Financial Planning is to make sure you accumulate enough money (or income producing assets), so that when you decide or are forced to retire, it will produce enough PASSIVE RESIDUAL INCOME for you to enjoy the lifestyle you choose for as long as you live.

The same concept holds true in Network Marketing. But Leverage, and Duplication or Geometric Progression, can help you build it much faster in the RIGHT Network Marketing program.

One of the first questions I often asks prospects is:

"If you had the choice of doing a job and earning 0 once, or getting paid 0/mo for the rest of your life, which would you choose?"

You'd be surprised at how many answer 0! These people either, 1) are not good prospects or, 2) need some education. That question is one quick and simple way to pre-qualify people. Those who don't understand that principle may never achieve their true potential.

Obviously 0/mo. will surpass a 'one time' 0 relatively quickly. And if it lasts for a few years, or better yet - the rest of your life - it will really be a blessing. Producing enough passive residual income can make you a VIRTUAL MILLIONAIRE in a relatively short time, compared to working for someone else and scrimping and saving for 30 - 40 years.

A VIRTUAL MILLIONAIRE is someone who has enough money coming in every month, WHETHER THEY WORK OR NOT, to support the lifestyle THEY CHOOSE, for as long as they live. It's also nice to have something SIGNIFICANT to pass on to your heirs or favorite charity.

But like everything else in life, even residual income has a downside. The biggest one is, just like compound interest or geometric progression, it normally takes a little time for the magic to start working. The POWER and BEAUTY of residual income is on the back-end, not the front!

Many people have a hard time understanding this FACT and mistakenly chase false promises of quick or easy money. That's why there will always be crooks and con artists in the world pitching "get rich quick and easy". Successful people ignore them. Naive or greedy people usually get burned.

Residual income is NOT about "get rich quick", even though with the right opportunity it's possible to produce a small fortune in a relatively short time.

If you're especially talented or have the time and money to invest, you may have some success in less than a year. And many people do. But without a major investment of time or money it takes most 'typical' people a year or two of part time work to generate a decent income, and another year or two to really hit the big time. But achieving success with 2 - 4 years of part-time effort beats the widely accepted 'standard' plan of slaving 20 - 40 years working for someone else to make them wealthy!

Most people who fail at network marketing either choose the wrong company or just give up too soon and quit because they expect INSTANT results. But because the real beauty of residual income is on the back end, not the front, once you build it you have the financial security and time freedom to do anything you want the rest of your life!

The RIGHT network marketing opportunity allows anyone, with no prior experience, special skills, or large capital outlay, to build long term, passive residual income. If you don't know how to choose the right opportunity, I can help.

A critical component to building long term residual income is offering high quality, high demand, value-priced, 'consumable' products or services that people use and re-order month after month.

Because of this simple fact, the top industry in Network Marketing by any measurable standard is Nutritional Supplements and Personal Care products. Some people refuse to consider this industry because they don't take supplements themselves or don't understand the 'Big Picture' and successful business model of this industry.

Do you think Burger King and McDonald franchise owners invest hundreds of thousands of dollars because they like to eat fast food burgers? Not hardly! They understand human nature and trends in society. We're a convenience oriented society, and a large part of the population would rather eat low cost convenience food, even if we know it's not good for us.

But there's also a booming trend toward improving your health, improving your life, and developing personal and time freedom. Many 'opportunity seekers' completely miss or ignore these trends in society. If your business is in front of multiple long term trends, you dramatically increase your chances for success.

I'm not saying it's not important to believe in and use your own products, because it is! But for true success you have to recognize major trends in society, and your products or opportunity must meet ALL the highlighted criteria above - high quality, high demand, value-priced, and 'consumable'. (And in this case, 'consumable' does not necessarily mean just 'edible'. It means used and/or re-ordered on a regular basis.)

And with the right business the rewards can be much more than just financial. It's hard to put a price tag on the goose bumps you feel or tears that come to your eyes sometimes when someone thanks you profusely for introducing them to a product that has had a major impact on their health, their life, or their financial situation.

Unfortunately some people never grasp the importance of this additional benefit. Most good people want to feel they are doing something worthwhile with their life. And it's not just about making money, even though many narrow-minded or greedy people will try to convince you it is. It's also about helping others. And doing both, can make the right business doubly rewarding.

But your business also has to have profit potential. Some 'price-based' products or services have lots of competition and limited profit potential. If you choose a business like that you have to do a lot more volume and it's hard to build loyalty, which is an important element in producing long term passive residual income.


Every successful person or business (in or out of Network Marketing) takes advantage of leverage. There's only 24 hours in a day! And no matter how talented you are or how much you get paid per hour, if you don't take advantage of leverage you're limited by the number of hours in a day. By learning to leverage your time, you can also benefit from a percentage of other people's efforts, and dramatically increase your income and freedom.

If you're reading this article on the Internet (on my website or someone else's), or in a magazine, that's one simple example of leverage. I don't have to be physically present to teach you something. I may be sleeping, or vacationing on the other side of the world while you are learning or sharing this information.

Unfortunately in most traditional businesses, the only ones who benefit from leverage are the owners or stockholders. The loyal, hard-working employees do most of the work. The unique and wonderful thing about the Network Marketing business model, is that everyone has the same opportunity to become the 'owner' of their own business - with a fraction of the investment of time and money of a traditional business or franchise.

And instead of worrying about training people to become your competitors, in network marketing the people at the top have a vested interest in helping others on their team succeed.

Again, the question I ask prospects here is:

"If you had the choice to receive 100% of one person's efforts, or 5% of 100 peoples', which would you choose?"

And again, if they answer 100%, either: 1) they're not a good prospect or, 2) they need a remedial math class or additional education.

Many talented people would rather just depend on themselves, and have difficulty grasping the importance of this concept.

Obviously 100% of one is always only one. But 5% of 100 is five. That's a 500% increase and is significant! And with synergy, sometimes it can be even more!

Not only will the total result with leverage almost always be a lot more, but your income is not dependent on only one person. If it is, and that person gets sick or injured, disabled, dies, quits working, or decides to go on a long vacation, your income could stop!

But if your income is produced by the activities of many, it is much more dependable. Even if something unexpected or negative happens to one or more of those people, it only has a minor effect on the total production. That's what allows people who understand and take advantage of this to live the lifestyle they choose or get paid while on extended vacations.

It's great to get paid while you're on vacation or doing other things you love! That's one of the many advantages of leveraging your time, and is just one of many reasons so many high income professionals from all walks of life are flocking to get involved in Network Marketing.

Many professionals who make great incomes, get frustrated at the 'bottom line' after putting in long hours just to cover overhead and miscellaneous expenses. No matter how much you earn per hour, if you don't learn to leverage your time, your earnings will always be limited by the number of hours you can work in a day. And nobody wants to work 24 hours! But even with a small network marketing organization, you can produce equivalent results to working 24 hours a day, with a fraction of the individual effort.

Learning to leverage your time (and money) is an important step toward gaining Financial Independence and Time freedom.


The best illustration I've seen of duplication is the penny-a-day example. It's also frequently used to illustrate the benefits of tax free compound interest.

If you start with one penny, and double it every day 30 days, how much will you have at the end of 30 days?

If you haven't heard this before or don't remember, go ahead and take a guess. Day two you'd have 2 cents; day three you'd have 4 cents, then 8, 16, and so on. How much at the end of 30 days?

I've never had anyone who hadn't heard this before come close. So don't feel bad if you don't, and I promise not to laugh. Ready? Did you pick a number?

Would you believe over FIVE MILLION DOLLARS?! (,368,708 to be exact!) That's right! Most people don't believe it until they punch it out on a calculator. And even then it's sometimes hard to fathom. But it's true. Isn't that amazing?

That's a simple illustration of how networking can work. If I can teach you, I've doubled myself. If we each teach someone else, we've doubled again. And as this goes on and on it can produce amazing results in a relatively short period of time, just like the penny example.

The easier your program is to do and the lower the cost to get involved, the more people you can appeal to and the more potential for geometric progression to work. Programs that are too complicated or expensive for 'average' people to do will always hinder your growth.

Great salespeople can succeed at almost anything they apply themselves to. But not many people have the talents, skills, or desire to be great salespeople. IT'S NOT DUPLICATABLE!

The Network Marking business model is about a lot of average people doing a little, not a few talented people doing a lot.

While lower cost of entry can be an advantage, many programs that are 'free', don't offer any real potential for significant income, and often attract people who aren't willing to work to build their business. So REALISTIC INCOME PRODUCING POWER is an important area to consider.

Joining a 'downline club' or any other program that promises any variation of - "we'll do everything for you" - will never produce significant LONG TERM passive residual income, because the majority of people who join are looking for a free ride or are too lazy to build anything significant. None of these programs have ever worked long term and none ever will. It's a simple fact of life successful networkers accept early on.

The penny a day example is a great model for illustration, but in 'real life' it never works exactly like that. Some people never recruit anyone, and others find 10 - 20 - 30 or more. It helps to understand human nature, and an IMPORTANT, but little known reality called REVERSE GEOMETRIC GROWTH.

Despite the fact it rarely works in reality like it's illustrated on paper, the principle of duplication is still one of the THREE PILLARS TO SUCCESS with the RIGHT Network Marketing Business Opportunity. With the RIGHT business and these POWERFUL PRINCIPLES, even average people who are willing to work and to learn can achieve their dreams. And above average people may exceed their greatest expectations.

If you can UNDERSTAND and BELIEVE IN those three principles, and find the RIGHT company, you will succeed in Network Marketing. If you're willing to TEACH these THREE principles to a few others, the results might just amaze you!

The beauty of Network Marketing is that you can get started with very little investment of time or money, and no major changes in your present lifestyle. Eventually, passive residual income can give you the FREEDOM to live the lifestyle YOU CHOOSE, and pursue and enjoy your dreams - whatever they are!

I read somewhere that, "according to IRS statistics, in 1984 20% of NEW millionaires came from Network Marketing. By 1994 it was 50%. It's predicted that by 2004, 70 - 80% of NEW millionaires will come from the booming Network Marketing industry." I don't really believe those statistics. But no matter what the percentages are, certainly many new millionaires are created every year in the Network Marketing industry.

Many positive CHANGES have been made in the industry, and several simultaneous MEGA-TRENDS help make this the best time ever to get involved! The time to start is NOW! But it's important to pick the RIGHT company and industry!


1) The IMPORTANCE of 'CONSUMABLE PRODUCTS' ... 2) The REASONS for the popularity of the Nutritional Supplement Industry... 3) The importance of high quality, high demand, value-priced, products...


Successful Network Marketing offers many benefits: Passive Residual Income - No Boss - No Commute - No Dress Code - Income Tax Reduction - More TIME for kids, family, hobbies, or whatever is important to you - Above Average Income - and much more.

If I had to sum it up in one word it would be FREEDOM! - Freedom to work as much or as little as you want, to come and go as you please, and to spend more time doing whatever is important to you. Once you experience this FREEDOM, you'll wonder how you ever lived any other way!

There's no free lunch though. It's like riding a bike. If I asked, "Would you rather ride a bike uphill or downhill?" most normal people would say, "down." But in order to coast down the hill, you first have to ride your bike up. Once you start, you may find yourself enjoying the exercise and additional benefits of improving your strength, endurance, and health. The same is true in this business. You have to 'climb the hill' (learn the business) before you can 'coast'. Many people learn to enjoy the process of becoming better people, helping others, and improving much more than just the financial part of their lives.

There are many routes to the top of the hill. Some people choose to take a gradual incline and may take a little longer to get there. Others prefer the direct route, and choose to pedal directly up the steepest side. The beauty is, the choice is yours. We can show you the routes, and you decide what's best for you. We'll be there to encourage and guide you every inch of the way.

Best wishes for True Success and a HAPPY, HEALTHY, PRODUCTIVE LIFE!

What is Network Marketing?

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Iron Man Inspiration - raise the ceiling on what they can achieve

!±8± Iron Man Inspiration - raise the ceiling on what they can achieve

Iron Man Florida will swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles and running 26.2 miles. This is one of the toughest competitions in the world.

Many people, myself included, have trouble swimming half a mile let alone 2.4 miles. Cycling 112 miles could also matching the speed of the wheel on a stationary bike for 6 hours. I have trouble even making a start on my exercise bike!

Running 26.2 miles is not easy to find so many young and healthy, ifto stop or to stagger to the end. Jane Tomlinson recently Iron Man Florida in 15 hours and 48 minutes.

Before the race, the spokesman of the crowd said: "Jane Tomlinson, from Leeds, England Racing 4 years ago she learned that she was only seven months to live due to cancer in the finals as did triathlon ..."

Jane has a supportive husband, Mike, and three beautiful children, Suzanne, Rebecca and Steven. He had cancer for 14 years. 4 years ago wassaid they had seven months of life. Now he lived four years, since he knew that I would have died within 7 months.

Many people on the receiving end of the message they have terminal cancer, just give up and wait to die or take medicine that will speed its end. Jane, on the other side has decided to live and cope with their disease by taking a number of difficult challenges athletics.

One of his daughters, said recently in a television documentary that Jane was "never a sports person, first of allthis. He gardening and hiking and that was it. I've never seen them walk or do anything athletic. "

Jane wanted to leave their children reach a lasting memory of his mother's business: "I know that cancer is not a good thing, but I wanted to live a kind and remember that I am still alive and being here I found by searching. Enjoy what I have before me. "

Many patients give their role as wage earners and carers. Jane has her roles of mother and keptWages. It takes care of her three children and works as a radiographer. He began training as a radiographer 14 years ago after the mastectomy. It needs to be part of the money situation, sporting events competed on the road

What amazes me about her is how to live a full life and still take care in hospitals and clinics in need of treatment have managed to keep going.

It does this by planning their first treatment, because the priority and thenInstall the rest of their lives around this. Their life is so full that many people believe that it is not ill:

"Some people do not believe that I'm really bad, but I am. So much time, remember that things are pretty bad." Even walking can be painful because of tumors in the bones.

Some criticize his being on tour and in competition, rather than dealing with his family. Your answer: Some of them: "If I do these events, they are fit enough to pass the time with my family."Went with her family in Florida.

The doctor says: "Jane is an example of what can be achieved by modern anti-cancer treatments, but most of my patients do not run marathons." This is an understatement.

Jane had many obstacles in their way before they actually arrived in Florida.Her hip was sore and stopped their training for the Ironman. At times, she was undecided whether to go or not:

"I do not think I should go, but this does not mean that I will not." HisHusband Mike would not go: "It could be a paraplegic by the end of the race or even die."

She finally decided to go to Mike and supports the following reasons:
"You can not out until next year because there is next year. It 'now or never." Jane said: "If you do not give me the opportunity to try, there is always outstanding."

They took their equipment with the help of her boyfriend, Ryan, who was his partner in Iron Man, is made so thatAmong these painkillers

He arrived in Florida and decided to try to start the race, even if not going well. No patients were terminally ill cancer has sought him a man of iron first. He explained that one reason for the race: "One of the reasons for the perception of the challenge as a disease."

Mike had never been so scared as before. "I wish to hell they do not." He did not say what he thought, because they need its full support in what could betheir last great adventure.

Mike said: "There are not many frontiers left, which takes you to the world that made you say that is done, gone to die a man of iron, I never thought .."

Jane seemed to enjoy swimming and got through the bike ride. After all, she was still running after nine miles. "Absolutely amazing!" exclaimed Mike. "It 'is obviously not comfortable and you feel pain in every place she has cancer."

Steven told hisTo appease his father. He knew his mother would alright.Over 80 competitors was extracted after 13 hours, but Jane was still in the race. Mike said: "She is still active - the devil you do go for it, We love to see the finish line.."

In goal, Mike has even expressed his surprise: "I never thought in a year mllion should have done so." Ryan, Jane mate on the track, said: "Jane has just blown me away!"

Comment by Jane was not surprising:"This is the last thing I do." By the end of the race the Iron Man Jane an inspiring example of healthy and sick had been established. She and Mike had also raised £ 1,000,000 for cancer research.

All of us are terminal, but not all have understood yet. Life is too short to waste time on this planet where we live. All we need to act quickly to do what is important to us, while we still have a chance.

The life of Jane is one of those lives that can inspireTo reach us, much more than we could have dreamed possible and the best of what remained to make the life of us. We can all in our breed iron man.

Iron Man Inspiration - raise the ceiling on what they can achieve

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Can you really love yourself slim? Weight Loss Tips to start your Sparkle Thinner

!±8± Can you really love yourself slim? Weight Loss Tips to start your Sparkle Thinner

"Sometimes you need to re-teach what their beauty." Galway Kinnell.

Sweetheart ... Which of these sound familiar?

"When I lost 5 / 25 / 50 kg, I loved my body." "I love me even when they are blatant, subtle and seeeeexier".

If you find one of those nodding, permanent weight loss is not easy for you.

That's why ... If you tell stories like "I love my ass, if fishing is perfect," heto give unconditional love. And no, your good self, love conditional responding. None.

If you are going to give conditional love, is any attempt to hinder your weight to become happy. Why the love-with-attached conditions covering the rebels, even to sabotage us in all four years.

You know that. People at risk youth who want to simply just be who he is, to be loved right now ... not for their efforts .... Not what it looks like ... and in any case,I do not know how much it weighs.

What is Unconditional Love?

Conditional love is: "I do not love you Well, at least not yet clear, if you make some changes, then I think I love you But now you're not good enough for my love ...."


Imagine if a guy said these words to you. They would walk. Ready. Do not give him a second look ... Well, yes, is not it?

And yet we do it ourselves. All. L '. Time.

Conditional love is truehow to fight. This is opinion, shame, hatred and violence. It does not lead to weight loss.

It 'a very strange concept .... If I hate myself enough, I ended up with the same love ^$#%*!!!

If you're sitting there and said: "It's not that I do not like it, I'm 'gourmet' That's all I eat because I like the taste of food ..."

Let me tell you this: "What do you do when you love something"

Pay attention to them. They take time with him. Would you like to be presentFor every second of enjoyment.

So, let me give you another question ...." How overeating lead to pleasure? "Well ..... uh ..... does not work.

Overnutrition leads to the sensation of bloating, and you feel so bad, can you tell me anything except how full you think.

How is the love? It 'more like self-abuse.

The food is of joy and nourishment for body and soul. Overeating is not.

So what's the answer then?

Change does not happenConditional-strings-attached "I'll love you if you weigh less" love.

Change happens when you come from a position of acceptance, knowing that you are already perfect, whole and complete, at this time.

Change happens when you really prevents your body with love and care of any option but to start it, is unthinkable. E '100% self-acceptance keeps four years, a rebel from the happy and self-sabotage.

And resonate at this point Kinnel the magnificent words:"Sometimes you need to re-teach what their beauty."

Our wounds are learned, not innate. Children come into this world knowing they are already beautiful and well worth the love. We need a-learn, the illusion of our wounds.

Happiness makes sense. Everything else is unbearable. We need to take care of our bodies, instead of filling it with reverence. Be curious. Be polite. Be committed. Without cynicism, despair, anger.

Two wonderful"Come Back To Love questions' recovery

We all have days when we stumble and fall, despite our best intentions. Here are two questions you can ask yourself when recreational fabulous you look at the slide to defeat in the old pattern of feeling.

- How I'd like to answer?

- What is the most loving, what can I do now?

What would you do for love?

Answer the following question with answers reflect how well you can go to celebrateHonor. Even a glass of yum something bad, take a pen and paper and celebrate.

- I love myself enough ....

How to practice unconditional love.

How did you learn today, the kind of nurturing love is unconditional. The good news is that you can do so much (let's hear what sometimes can be a bit 'far-fetched, to feel it for ourselves) of it feeling like you with the feeling like someone else.

Try it now: someone or something (yes, you might think,to be your friend), I love you unconditionally. Concentrate your thoughts on the person (or woofers) and feel how much love you have for them. Let it build and build and build.

Really feel.

Exhale and hold it to appreciate how wonderful they are. How does it feel good?

Unconditional love for someone else, you get so much it is, how you want. In fact, while we will always be received. If you feel the love, give love.

Only the love of your lights shine more subtle.Get ready to fall, really crazy, and magnificently - in love - with every fiber of your being.

Can you really love yourself slim? Weight Loss Tips to start your Sparkle Thinner

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Easy Six Pack Abs: How I lost 10 percent body fat in 2 months

!±8± Easy Six Pack Abs: How I lost 10 percent body fat in 2 months

The biggest challenge for the development of simple six-pack of abdominal muscles not the structure, gave, the layer of body fat, the upper right of the belly - even if you're doing in an otherwise good, this layer of the small difference between six -pack or a keg

Not long ago I was seriously out of shape. In fact, I would like to make different: I was fat. My body fat percentage was in the twenties, and I saw and felt terrible. I knew that I neededdo something, and kicked my background in physiology, and I said:

"If I want to look good, I need to build muscle tone, as this will even turn on my metabolism, my body fat is to destroy."

I know that around the block enough to know that endless cardio (stair masters, elliptical trainers, treadmills, stationary bikes ... anything else) had not done much of anything. In fact, if you try to remove the body fat they are - whether you are trying to showYou lose weight or just the abdominal muscles - to stay away from cardio. It's not bad in itself, but it is an inefficient way of killer abs and a sexy body.

I knew that the best way to achieve my objectives was to focus on strength training. As the muscle is not some important things for anyone to get in better shape, regardless of their current status:

Increased metabolism. Muscle burns more calories than fat does not burn muscle mass is greatermore calories even when you sit in front of the TV. Hormones shredding fat. Muscular stress (such as lifting, strength training or weight) causes your body to metabolize insane amount of hormones that help to release stored fat. Closer Body. What is insane amount of body fat to lose, unless you have a body murderess with him? My goal was to look better, not only lose weight and get the look "skinny". Cardio you need to do is dry (ie, marathon runners), strength trainingmake you look sporty (for example Sprinter).

Easy Six Pack Abs Workout I

When I started this routine, I was focused on the burning of fat. But a funny thing, I'm also building some big muscles. By the end of two months, my body fat percentage was 10 percent lower than it was, and my muscles were firm and defined (including my six pack).

Here's what I did:

Bench Press: 3 sets of 8 reps Squats: 3 sets of 8 reps Rows: 3 sets of 8 repsevery Overhead press: 3 sets of 10 repetitions Leg Curls: 3 sets of 10 repetitions for each Pull Down 3 sets of 10 repetitions for each

I kept track of the weight I used for each set, and when I did the full 8 or 10 repetitions of any series, the next practice I would have weight. To achieve in many cases not representative of the goal, but that meant my muscles to the maximum, which is good, have been highlighted - this is what forces them to grow.

Speaking of muscle growth, do not forget to get plenty of rest. Resist theTemptation to perform this exercise every day, but give yourself a rest day between each workout (two if you really beat). Remember that your body has fully recovered before stressing actually have a negative effect, that body fat is to limit losses and reduce the likelihood of developing six pack abs easily.

Easy Six Pack Abs: How I lost 10 percent body fat in 2 months

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Monday, August 15, 2011

Schwinn 431 Elliptical Trainer

!±8±Schwinn 431 Elliptical Trainer

Brand : Schwinn
Rate :
Price : $649.00
Post Date : Aug 15, 2011 21:40:46
Usually ships in 24 hours

With its comfortable and compact design, and workout programs developed to help you reach your fitness goals, the Schwinn® 431 Elliptical trainer lets you make an impact where you want one... not where you don't.

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Life Fitness R1 Recumbent LifeCycle with Advanced Console

!±8±Life Fitness R1 Recumbent LifeCycle with Advanced Console

Brand : Life Fitness
Rate :
Price : $1,699.00
Post Date : Aug 11, 2011 03:05:05
Usually ships in 24 hours

Combining the ultimate in comfort with exceptional attention to detail, the Life Fitness R1 Recumbent LifeCycle provides a smooth, quiet ride as well as a reclining seat with a breathable mesh fabric back. Pair the R1 with the Advanced Workouts Console for added workout variety and advanced programs to better help you reach your fitness goals. The R1 offers 20 resistance levels, 10 workout programs, and a maximum user weight of 400 pounds.

It includes both wireless and contact heart rate monitoring technology to keep you in your target heart rate zone--a Polar wireless chest strap is included--and the LifeCycle includes five HeartSync heart rate controlled workouts designed to keep you in your target heart rate zone. Other features include an integrated reading rack and accessory tray, front and side-mounted handlebars, reclining feature on the recumbent seat with 20 degrees of range of motion, and a heavy-duty welded steel frame.


    The Advanced Workouts Console.
  • Resistance System: Eddy current
  • Power Requirements: All major voltage configurations
  • Resistance Levels: 20
  • Seat Adjustments: 13 positions
  • Frame: 1.5 x 3-inch welded steel frame
  • Pedals: Standard self-balancing pedals
  • Electronic Readouts: Level, Time, Speed (mph/kmh), Distance, Heart Rate, Target Heart Rate, Calories, Watts, METs
  • Display Type: LCD with blue background and white characters (4 x 6 inches)
  • Workout Profile Display: 9 x 24 segments
  • Workout Feedback Display: 16-character message center
  • Unit Dimensions: 57 x 26 x 54 inches (L x W x H)
  • Unit Weight: 130 pounds
  • Maximum User Weight: 300 pounds




EZ Incline/Resistance.

Sport Training.

Fat Burn.


Heart Rate Hill.

Heart Rate Interval.

Extreme Heart Rate.

  • Manual: Gives you complete freedom to choose your own speed and incline levels.
  • Hill: Challenges you with intervals of multiple hills and valleys with each hill becoming progressively more difficult.
  • Random: Includes many different motivating combinations of hills and valleys.
  • EZ Incline/Resistance: Slowly and progressively increases resistance so you're less aware of the building demands.
  • Sport Training: Simulates outdoor training with a rigorous workout that features hundreds of different hills and valleys with a wide range of high and low levels of resistance.
  • Fat Burn (HeartSync): A great workout for beginners or for those days when you need a lighter workout. Automatically adjusts resistance to maintain your heart rate at 65 percent of your theoretical maximum.
  • Cardio (HeartSync): Maximizes caloric burn and boosts your energy level. Automatically adjusts resistance to maintain your heart rate at 80 percent of your theoretical maximum
  • Heart Rate Hill (HeartSync): An interval workout made up of three hills with each hill becoming progressively more difficult based on your heart rate goals The first hill is 70 percent of your maximum heart rate (HRMax) and gets harder with subsequent hills. The valley is always defined as 65 percent HRMax. Similar to training for sports activities such as hockey, basketball, and soccer.
  • Heart Rate Interval (HeartSync): Climb a series of alternating hills (80 percent HRMax). The number of times you climb each hill depends on your fitness level. Similar to training for endurance activities such as triathlons and running.
  • Extreme Heart Rate (HeartSync): Quickly raises and lowers resistance to get your heart rate up to 85 percent HRMax and down to 65 percent as quickly as possible. Similar to training for sports activities such as tennis, racquetball, football, and sprinting.
  • Goal Workouts: Determine your workout goal--including distance, calorie-burn, or target heart rate--and exercise until you reach it.
  • Custom Workouts (includes 2): Create and replay a favorite program with specific speed, incline, level, and target heart rate changes.
  • Race Mode: Challenge yourself by racing against a computer simulated pacer.
  • Cool Down Mode: Based on your workout's specific time, incline, and heart rate level, this customized cool down ensures that your heart rate properly returns to normal level.
  • Warm Up Mode: Participate in a pre-determined warm-up period before you begin your workout.
  • User Profiles (includes 2): Perfect for multi-user households, user profiles save your vital statistics, preferences, and custom workouts.

Manufacturer's Warranty
Lifetime warranty on frame, three years on parts, one year on labor

About the Warranty
This Life Fitness product is intended for home use only. Your warranty will be void if this product is used in a commercial setting.

About Life Fitness
What started as one man's pursuit to improve his own physical condition, eventually turned into a global fitness revolution. That man was Keene P. Dimick, the mastermind behind the legendary Lifecycle® exercise bike. The story of Life Fitness began when two young entrepreneurs, Ray Wilson and Augie Nieto, saw the promise of Dr. Dimick’s invention. Even though it was slightly ahead of its time, they believed the Lifecycle exercise bike could help generations of athletes, trainers, exercisers, and people everywhere live happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives.

Wilson and Nieto bought the rights to the Lifecycle bike from Dr. Dimick, perfected it, and sold it out of a motor home to health clubs across America. Despite the overwhelming odds and initial unpopularity of the Lifecycle exercise bike, the two passion-filled pioneers turned a two-man operation and a seemingly impossible vision into a prosperous reality. Along the way, they shaped the future of Life Fitness as well as the fitness industry, bringing cardiovascular training into the mainstream and helping ignite the health club boom.

Today, Life Fitness is the global leader in designing and manufacturing a full line of reliable, high quality fitness equipment for commercial and consumer use. It is the number one brand of fitness equipment in health clubs worldwide.

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Monday, August 8, 2011

Life Fitness Club Series Recumbent LifeCycle Exercise Bike

!±8± Life Fitness Club Series Recumbent LifeCycle Exercise Bike

Rate : | Price : $2,499.00 | Post Date : Aug 09, 2011 01:55:34
Usually ships in 2-3 weeks

The Life Fitness Club Series Lifecycle recumbent bike has mastered the combination of motivating workouts with unmatched comfort and iPod compatibility. On one side of this equation is the world-renowned appeal of the Lifecycle bike's quality, reliability, and durability. The other side of the equation consists of the ergonomics, biomechanics, and comfort that add up to the best in recumbent cycling. With the Life Fitness Club Series Lifecycle recumbent exercise bike, top-quality workouts and comfort unite in the most remarkable ways

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